

(321) 536-4126
What's in Your Attic?

Estate Planning Personal Property Validation

Are you in the process of writing your will or searching for an estate planning attorney to go over your trust? Don’t forget to find an Professional compliance Personal Property Validator to inventory all your personal items to include in your trust. We can value all the personal belongings inside your main home, rental properties, business offices and even vacation or second homes.

With the Fair Market Value of all items you own determined, the process of dividing the trust among children, grandchildren or even charities will be simplified with a tangible list.

Other Uses for an Personal Property Validation Report

  • Personal Property Insurance Coverage
  • Estate Liquidation
  • Estate Planning
  • Divorce
  • Estate Division
  • Business Dissolution
  • Confirmation of Value
  • State inheritance
  • Bankruptcy
  • Charitable Contributions
  • Estate Liquidation Sale
  • Orderly Liquidation Sale

Common Personal Property Validation Questions

Estate Personal Property Validation Services can help you identify the value of your personal property throughout your home(s) and provide you with an Personal Property Validation report based on market value.

The report provides a descriptive identification of your personal property assets for Estate Liquidation and Estate Division and will provide market value for household items if needed for insurance replacement.

This appraisal report can be used for personal property donation to a charity and for the IRS Form 8283, Section B for items valued at $5,000 or more.

  • Estate Liquidation
  • Estate Planning
  • Divorce
  • Estate Division
  • Business Dissolution
  • Confirmation of Value
  • State inheritance
  • Bankruptcy
  • Insurance
  • Charitable Contributions
  • Estate Liquidation Sale
  • Orderly Liquidation Sale

Yes, Ruftop Estate Sales LLC will work with you and/or your lawyer to provide you with a Personal Property Validation report that meets your Estate Planning intent.